Allow HTML code in WordPress tagline
27 April 2015
Maybe its just me but I always feel like the site description or WordPress tagline begs for some styling. Here’s an easy one to use as an example*:
The Future’s Bright. The Future’s orange
In order to output the Tagline most themes use
the get_bloginfo()
function, esc_html( get_bloginfo( 'description' ) )
or just get_bloginfo( 'description' )
Let’s say we wanted to do something like this:
The Future’s Bright. The Future’s orange
In that case you could use the following in your theme:
<h2 class="tagline"><?php echo html_entity_decode(get_bloginfo('description'));?></h2>
And use HTML in your Tagline under “Settings”.
There you have it a styleable and dynamic tagline!
*Incidentally I have absolutely no affiliation with this company and chose this example purely because of the colour.